Enjoy smoother rotation, panning, and zooming Time-saver
Simply click and drag to turn your canvas for distortion-free viewing at any angle. Gracefully navigate to any area of an image with ultra-smooth zooming and panning. Photoshop CS4 leverages newer computer processors for dramatic boosts in performance.
Bypass cropping and retouching with intelligent Content-Aware Scaling Time-saver
Use revolutionary Content-Aware Scaling to automatically recompose an image as you resize it, smartly preserving vital areas as the image adapts to different aspect ratios. Get the perfect image in one step without time-intensive cropping and retouching.
Composite images in seconds for panoramas or extended-focus photos Time-saver
Automatically stitch horizontal or vertical photos to create seamless panoramas using Photomerge® technology. Combine a series of shots with different focal points into a single color-corrected image with automatic correction for vignettes and lens distortion.
Easily apply localized changes to camera raw images Time-saver
Make localized changes — even gradient-based adjustments — to camera raw images with ease. Simply paint the area to be affected, and then use sliders to control the change. Corrections are nondestructive, so your original files are maintained in their pristine state.
Find, preview, and manage images with greater efficiency Time-saver
Discover faster performance and enhanced navigation tools in Adobe Bridge CS4. Operations from startup to handing off of images to Photoshop are faster, and convenient new workspace buttons let you instantly jump to the right display for every task.
Downloads Here :
* Adobe Photoshop CS4 Lite Edition
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Akhirnya ngblog lagi :D tapi domain custom dah suspend. Mau beli domain lagi :) Langsung saja yah, postingan kali ini ngebahas review HP ...
Buat yang udah modding HHnya, udah di deodex, tapi ada kendala dengan aplikasi emailnya, saya kasih nih email yang sudah deodex. Cara instal...
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29 January 2010
Adobe Photoshop CS4 Lite Edition [FULL]
16 January 2010
Antivirus Eset Nod32 V.4 Business Edition 32bit + Cara Update + License
Ini nih, antivirus yang ane pakai. Enteng, and bagus menurut ane. Free, bisa update online and offline. Disini juga saya jabarkan tutorial untuk update secara tuntas (hehe). Silahkan di downloads aja dulu, tinggal pilih. Saran saya, pakai yang versi 4 saja.
Link to Downloads :
Eset Nod32 Antivirus V.4
Eset Nod32 Antivirus V.4
License : Eset License
Ket. Tambahkan melalui :
Buka Nod32 -> Setup (f5) -> license.
Cara Update Nod32 :
Cara 1.
Buka Nod32, terus tekan "F5" di keyboard. Kemudian, akan tampil seperti berikut :
Pada panah no.1, klik update, lalu di sebelah kanan, ada kolom username dan password. Nah, untuk usernamenya, bisa didapatkan disini atau disini update terus. Lalu klik OK. Silahkan di coba untuk cara pertama :D.
Cara 2.
Update berikut online, akan tetapi tidak menggunakan username, langsung ke server databasenya. Sama seperti tadi, buka Nod32 -> Setup (f5) -> update. Kemudian perhatikan gambar berikut :
Setelah itu, akan tampil seperti ini :
Ikuti langkah pada gambar.
Server Update online tanpa username :
Untuk yang anak panah no.3, itu untuk update offline, artinya kita downloads file update, terus di save di hardisk kita, terus d update dari nod32. Buat saja dimana menyimpan file updatenya. Abis tu OK.
lalu terakhir, pilih darimana kita akan update nod32, lihat gambar :
Selesai. Mudah bukan? O ya, selama kita update online, filenya bisa kita back up lho. Caranya, buka nod32 -> setup -> update -> setup. Perhatikan gambar berikut :
Untuk Folder, bisa disimpan sesuka hati. O ya, ini untuk Nod32 Business Edition, ada tambahan mirrornya.
List Server Update :
AntiVirus ->
SmartSecurity ->
Nah, untuk update Offline yang mau dwonloads filenya, silahkan di downloads, insyaallah saya akan update :
Update Nod32
Virus database : 4815 date 29012010
HD Tune ( Hardisk Scanner Bad Sector)
Supported operating systems : Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7.
Hardware requirements : hard disk (internal or external), SDD, USB stick, memory card reader.
Note : due to hardware limitations some drives may not support all functions.
Downloads Here :
HD Tune V4.01 FULL
13 January 2010
Internet Downloads Manager 5.20 Full Version
Posting lagi nih. Kemarin nemu dari temen, sekarang langsung saja ane posting yaa. Kebetulan sekarang saya pake yang ini, dan hasilnya lancar-lancar saja, tidak ada aktivasi serial. Semoga bermanfaat n ndak ada kendala. Silahkan downloads aja langsung, okay.
IDM Full 5.20
IDM Full 5.20