Siapa yang tidak tau software yang satu ini ? Software yang sudah dikenal sebagai penghasil vector yang bagus dan mudah dalam penggunaannya. walaupun saat ini sudah banyak program serupa bahkan dari Adobe pun sudah lama mengeluarkan program yang memiliki fungsi yang mirip dengan CorelDRAW (Adobe Ilustration), tapi bagi sebagian orang seperti saya yang sudah terbiasa memakai Corel dibanding Adobe pasti akan lebih memilih menggunakan CorelDRAW.
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 menawarkan semua alat yang diperlukan untuk pekerjaan produktif desainer kontemporer. Intuitif alat untuk vektor ilustrasi dan tata letak halaman memungkinkan Anda untuk membuat solusi desain yang hebat.
Gambar raster dapat dengan mudah dapat di edit dan diubah menjadi scalable vector file. Apapun proyek Anda, CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 menyederhanakan alur kerja dan menginspirasi Anda dengan peluang-peluang baru untuk kreativitas. Untuk Penginstalan Coreldraw Graphics Suite X5 perlu diperhatikan sistem komputer anda sebagai berikut :
* Microsoft® Windows® 7, Windows Vista®, Windows® XP, with latest service packs installed (32-bit or 64-bit editions).
* Intel® Pentium® 4, AMD Athlon™ 64 or AMD Opteron™.
* 512 MB RAM (1 GB recommended).
* 750 MB hard disk space (1 GB for typical installation without content). Up to 6GB needed to install extra content.
* Mouse or tablet.
* 1024 x 768 screen resolution (768 x 1024 on a Tablet PC).
* DVD drive
* Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 7 or higher, or Firefox, or Opera, or Chrome, or Safari etc
Download Here (CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5)
Corel Draw X5
Keygen :
Keygen Corel Draw X5
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Akhirnya ngblog lagi :D tapi domain custom dah suspend. Mau beli domain lagi :) Langsung saja yah, postingan kali ini ngebahas review HP ...
Buat yang udah modding HHnya, udah di deodex, tapi ada kendala dengan aplikasi emailnya, saya kasih nih email yang sudah deodex. Cara instal...
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15 December 2010
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 Full
27 August 2010
Titanic II (2010) DVDRip x264 400MB Mkv
Starring - Shane Van Dyke,Marie Westbrook,Bruce Davison,Brooke Burns
Directed By - Shane Van Dyke
On the 100th anniversary of the original voyage, a modern luxury liner christened "Titanic 2," follows the path of its namesake. But when a tsunami hurls an ice berg into the new ship's path, the passengers and crew must fight to avoid a similar fate.
Single Link
03 July 2010
Aston Menu 2.0.0
Aston Menu 2.0.0 | 10.95 Mb
Aston Menu is a feature-rich Windows start menu replacement with the enhanced functionality. Absolutely all Aston Menu elements are skinnable and can be animated, which makes it yet more attractive. It can be populated with many useful widgets like Clock, Calendar, Recycle bin, Disks, Search, Toplist, Weather and others. Aston Menu provides fast and convenient search for files on local disks and for information in the Internet. Aston Menu can be used both in Aston 1.x shell (staring from 1.9.5 version) and in Explorer shell – there is no need to give up the habitual surroundings in order to use the new menu!
Downloads : Aston Menu 2.0.0
02 July 2010
Autodesk 3DsMax v2011 (32/64-Bit) + Crack
Autodesk 3ds Max® 2011 software offers compelling new techniques for creating and texturing models, animating characters, and producing high-quality images. Incorporating tools that accelerate everyday workflows, 3ds Max 2011 software helps significantly increase productivity for both individuals and collaborating teams working on games, visual effects, and television productions. Artists can focus on creativity, and have the freedom to iteratively refine their work to maximize the quality of their final output in the least amount of time.
Downloads :
1. Autodesk 3DsMax v2011 + CRACK 32 Bit
2. Autodesk 3DsMax v2011 + CRACK 64 Bit
[Tips] 5 Langkah Mengusir Virus 'Video Seksi' di Facebook
Virus 'Video Seksi' menyebar lewat Facebook dengan mencatut nama Winamp . Jika sudah terlanjur kena, berikut adalah langkah-langkah untuk memulihkan account Facebook yang jadi korban. Vaksincom melaporkan adanya virus yang menyebar dengan memanfaatkan kelemahan di Facebook. Seperti disampaikan dalam keterangan yang diterima detikINET, Senin (17/5/2010), virus itu bisa mengancam semua pengguna komputer apapun sistem operasinya.
Alfons Tanujaya, analis antivirus Vaksincom, mengimbau agar pengguna jangan sampai menjadi korban. "Cara paling baik melindungi diri anda adalah jangan mengklik link yang diberikan, sekalipun link tersebut tidak mengarahkan pada situs yang aneh," ujarnya. Namun, jika sudah terlanjut menjadi korban, berikut adalah langkah-langkah yang dibeberkan Alfons untuk mengenyahkan aplikasi tersebut dari account Facebook:
1. Login pada account Facebook anda
2. Pada bagian kanan atas layar klik [Account] lalu pilih [Application Settings] anda akan mendapatkan layar “Application Settings – Recently Used”
3. Arahkan mouse anda pada tanda silang [X] di aplikasi yang bernama “Winamp”
4. Anda akan mendapatkan kotak dialog konfirmasi “ Remove Winamp”
5. Klik pada tombol [Remove] dan [Refresh] pada browser anda dan pastikan aplikasi “ Winamp” sudah hilang dari Application Settings.
Real Desktop 1.59
Real Desktop | 6.74 MB
Get the reality on your desktop! You certainly know, the file queues on your Desktop becomes always longer, daily coming new files and you lose slowly the overview. Are you missing the certain order, the feeling of a genuine desk, just the reality? "Real Desktop" brings back this experience to you again!
Features of Real Desktop:
· 3D Sound
· Activatable Antialiasing
· No performance losses with resting condition of the symbols
· Very less resources needed
· Very efficient, thanks to the "Reality Engine"
Title: Real Desktop
Version: 1.59 Standard Final
Developer: Schillergames
Updated: 2010.05
License / Price: Free
Language: Multilanguage
Platform: Windows 2K/XP/2K3/Vista/7
Size: 6.74 mb
Downloads : Real Desktop
Merapikan ikon desktop dengan Fences
Ketika kita sering menginstall program atau software komputer, Icon Desktop komputer kita biasanya akan semakin bertambah. Dengan desktop yang semakin penuh dengan Icon, kadang membingungkan ketika ingin menjalankan aplikasi tertentu.
Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut, kita bisa menggunakan software gratis pengatur (organisir) icon desktop, Fences.
Fences merupakan software yang dibuat untuk meng-organisir icon-icon yang ada di desktop komputer (windows). Meskipun kita bisa mengatur manual dengan menggeser icon-icon yang ada, tetapi hal ini tidak praktis dan cukup merepotkan. Dengan Fences, kita bisa membuat semacam pagar (area) tertentu untuk setiap kelompok icon.
Untuk lebih jelasnya, fitur-fitur Fences antara lain :
* Merombak tampilan icon di desktop, kita bisa membuat area-area transparant untuk
menempatkan icon. Bisa membuat banyak area (disebut fences), Area bisa diberi judul, bisa di
geser ke mana saja di desktop, di ubah ukurannya.
* Mudah menampilkan atau menyembunyikan icon. Dengan double klik desktop, semua icon bisa
ditampilkan atau disembunyikan, sehingga bisa melihat wallpaper desktop.
* Memindah icon-icon desktop ke area-area yang ada hanya dengan menggeser biasa
* Bisa menyimpan susunan yang sudah dibuat
Di atas adalah fitur-fitur Fences versi gratis. Meskipun terdapat juga versi berbayar dengan fitur lebih, tetapi versi gratis ini pun cukup membantu kita mengatur tampilan icon-icon desktop komputer.
Penggunaan Fences
Setelah program Fences di download, install di komputer. Setelah selesai komputer sebaiknya di restart terlebih dahulu. Setelah restart, selanjutnya di desktop akan muncul program fences, jika tidak double klik saja area di desktop.
Kita bisa memilih menggunakan contoh susunan (layout) Fences yang sudah ada ( dengan memilih Start Using Fences ), atau kita membuat sendiri I’ll Create my fence on my Own (bagi yang sudah ahli). Untuk langkah awal sebaiknya memilih opsi yang pertama, karena nanti kita juga tetap bisa membuat area sendiri.
Pilih saja Sort out my icon, sehingga kita bisa memilih contoh susunan-sunan (layout) yang sudah ada. Tinggal pilih salah satu area yang kita inginkan kemudian klik Apply. Otomatis tampilan desktop akan berubah.
Untuk mengatur, klik kanan fence. Kita bisa mengubah judulnya atau pun menghapus fence. Ketika dihapus iconnya tidak akan ikut terhapus, hanya keluar dari area fence tersebut. Untuk membuat fence baru buat area di desktop dengan klik kanan mouse (dan tahan), kemudian akan muncul tombol untuk membuat fence.
Untuk menyimpan susunan yang sudah kita buat, klik kanan desktop, pilih menu Configure fences.., kemudian pilih menu Tools. Klik tombol Take snapshot, kemudian beri nama susunan /tampilan icon baru yang sudah kita buat. untuk mengaktifkan tampilan yang sudah kita buat, klik gambar yang diinginkan dan pilih menu Restore snapshot
Fences dapat digunakan di sistem operasi Windows XP, Vista atau WIndows 7. Di komputer harus sudah terinstall minimal Microsoft’s .NET Framework v2.0.
Preview :
Downloads : Fences
07 February 2010
Corel WordPerfect Office X4 SP2 v14.0.0.755
WordPerfect Office office suite of tools for home and office, which can be a substitute for Microsoft Office.
As part of WordPerfect Office X4 includes: word processor, spreadsheet program to create presentations and slideshows, e mail client and personal information manager. With this package, WordPerfect Office X4 you can also convert any text documents to PDF format. WordPerfect Office X4 supports over 60 popular office formats, including Microsoft Office documents 2007 and newer open standards such as Open Document Format (ODF) and Office Open XML (OOXML). As additional functions, office suite WordPerfect Office X4 includes more than 75 templates WordPerfect OfficeReady, graphics editor Presentations Graphics X4, a lot of digital photos, clip art and fonts.
Features WordPerfect Office X4:
Create perfect documents, including letters, reports and e newsletters
Calculation of the Budget, issue invoices, receipts and expense reports
Add charts and graphs to complex tables to improve their perception
Create slideshow presentations, proposals, demonstrations and interactive reports
Converting documents to PDF format to work with anyone anywhere
Collection, storage and reuse information from virtually any source
Supports over 60 popular office formats, including MS Office 2007
More than 75 templates and special WordPerfect OfficeReady Browser
Graphic editor Presentations Graphics X4
A set of digital photos, clip art and fonts
Tools for creating projects in the language of XML (WordPerfect XML Project Designer)
Batch conversion of Microsoft Word files to WordPerfect
And many other possibilities
WordPerfect Office X4 is the essential office suite for home and business users to create great looking documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and manage e mail. Open, edit and save Microsoft Office documents. Work with over 60 file formats, including ODF and Microsoft Office 2007. Save hundreds with the built in PDF tools. Take notes and collect and reuse information, ideas and images from virtually anywhere with a new digital notebook. Easily interpret complex spreadsheets with a new data analysis program. And put it all together with online services (like eMail and shared calendaring) to help you work with others and stay connected.
Main features:
Create polished documents, including letters, reports and newsletters
Produce budgets, invoices, receipts and expense reports
Turn complex spreadsheets into charts and graphs that are easy to interpret
Present slideshows, proposals, demonstrations and interactive reports
Create and share PDFs for easy collaboration with anyone, anywhere
Collect, store and reuse information from virtually any source.
Corel WordPerfect Office X4 SP2 v14.0.0.755
OS: Windows XP / Vista
Interface: English
Size: 371.29 Mb
Downloads :
* Corel X4 part 1
* Corel X4 part 2
* Corel X4 part 3
* Corel X4 part 4
02 February 2010
Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 V9.0.0.736 with Key
Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 All Features:
Essential Protection:
* Protects from viruses, Trojans and worms
* Blocks spyware and adware
* Scans files in real time (on access) and on demand
* Scans email messages (regardless of email client)
* Scans Internet traffic (regardless of browser)
* Protects instant messengers (ICQ, MSN)
* Provides proactive protection from unknown threats
* Scans Java and Visual Basic scripts
Extended Protection:
* Two-way personal firewall
* Safe Wi-Fi and VPN connections
* Intrusion prevention system
* Intelligent application management and control
o automatically configured application rules
o security rating is assigned to unknown applications
o access to the userâ?в„ўs resources and data is restricted for unknown applications
Preventive Protection:
* Scans operating system and installed applications for vulnerabilities
* Analyzes and closes Internet Explorer vulnerabilities
* Disables links to malware sites
* Detects viruses based on the packers used to compress code
* Global threat monitoring (Kaspersky Security Network)
Advanced Protection & Recovery:
* The program can be installed on infected computers
* Self-protection from being disabled or stopped
* Restores correct system settings after removing malicious software
* Tools for creating a rescue disk
Data & Identity Theft Protection:
* Disables links to fake (phishing) websites
* Blocks all types of keyloggers
* Virtual keyboard is provided for safely entering logins and passwords
* Prevents the theft of data exchanged via secure connections (HTTPS / SSL)
* Blocks unauthorized dial-up connections
* Cleans up any traces of user activity (deletes temporary files, cookies etc.)
Content Filtering:
* Parental control
* Improved antispam protection (plugins for Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Outlook Express, The Bat!, Thunderbird)
* Blocks banners on web pages
* Automatic configuration during installation
* Wizards for common tasks
* Visual reports with charts and diagrams
* Alerts provide all the information necessary for informed user decisions
* Automatic or interactive mode
* Round-the-clock technical support
* Automatic database updates
Downloads Here :
-> Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 V9.0.0.736
29 January 2010
Adobe Photoshop CS4 Lite Edition [FULL]
Enjoy smoother rotation, panning, and zooming Time-saver
Simply click and drag to turn your canvas for distortion-free viewing at any angle. Gracefully navigate to any area of an image with ultra-smooth zooming and panning. Photoshop CS4 leverages newer computer processors for dramatic boosts in performance.
Bypass cropping and retouching with intelligent Content-Aware Scaling Time-saver
Use revolutionary Content-Aware Scaling to automatically recompose an image as you resize it, smartly preserving vital areas as the image adapts to different aspect ratios. Get the perfect image in one step without time-intensive cropping and retouching.
Composite images in seconds for panoramas or extended-focus photos Time-saver
Automatically stitch horizontal or vertical photos to create seamless panoramas using Photomerge® technology. Combine a series of shots with different focal points into a single color-corrected image with automatic correction for vignettes and lens distortion.
Easily apply localized changes to camera raw images Time-saver
Make localized changes — even gradient-based adjustments — to camera raw images with ease. Simply paint the area to be affected, and then use sliders to control the change. Corrections are nondestructive, so your original files are maintained in their pristine state.
Find, preview, and manage images with greater efficiency Time-saver
Discover faster performance and enhanced navigation tools in Adobe Bridge CS4. Operations from startup to handing off of images to Photoshop are faster, and convenient new workspace buttons let you instantly jump to the right display for every task.
Downloads Here :
* Adobe Photoshop CS4 Lite Edition
16 January 2010
Antivirus Eset Nod32 V.4 Business Edition 32bit + Cara Update + License
Ini nih, antivirus yang ane pakai. Enteng, and bagus menurut ane. Free, bisa update online and offline. Disini juga saya jabarkan tutorial untuk update secara tuntas (hehe). Silahkan di downloads aja dulu, tinggal pilih. Saran saya, pakai yang versi 4 saja.
Link to Downloads :
Eset Nod32 Antivirus V.4
Eset Nod32 Antivirus V.4
License : Eset License
Ket. Tambahkan melalui :
Buka Nod32 -> Setup (f5) -> license.
Cara Update Nod32 :
Cara 1.
Buka Nod32, terus tekan "F5" di keyboard. Kemudian, akan tampil seperti berikut :
Pada panah no.1, klik update, lalu di sebelah kanan, ada kolom username dan password. Nah, untuk usernamenya, bisa didapatkan disini atau disini update terus. Lalu klik OK. Silahkan di coba untuk cara pertama :D.
Cara 2.
Update berikut online, akan tetapi tidak menggunakan username, langsung ke server databasenya. Sama seperti tadi, buka Nod32 -> Setup (f5) -> update. Kemudian perhatikan gambar berikut :
Setelah itu, akan tampil seperti ini :
Ikuti langkah pada gambar.
Server Update online tanpa username :
Untuk yang anak panah no.3, itu untuk update offline, artinya kita downloads file update, terus di save di hardisk kita, terus d update dari nod32. Buat saja dimana menyimpan file updatenya. Abis tu OK.
lalu terakhir, pilih darimana kita akan update nod32, lihat gambar :
Selesai. Mudah bukan? O ya, selama kita update online, filenya bisa kita back up lho. Caranya, buka nod32 -> setup -> update -> setup. Perhatikan gambar berikut :
Untuk Folder, bisa disimpan sesuka hati. O ya, ini untuk Nod32 Business Edition, ada tambahan mirrornya.
List Server Update :
AntiVirus ->
SmartSecurity ->
Nah, untuk update Offline yang mau dwonloads filenya, silahkan di downloads, insyaallah saya akan update :
Update Nod32
Virus database : 4815 date 29012010
HD Tune ( Hardisk Scanner Bad Sector)
Supported operating systems : Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7.
Hardware requirements : hard disk (internal or external), SDD, USB stick, memory card reader.
Note : due to hardware limitations some drives may not support all functions.
Downloads Here :
HD Tune V4.01 FULL
13 January 2010
Internet Downloads Manager 5.20 Full Version
Posting lagi nih. Kemarin nemu dari temen, sekarang langsung saja ane posting yaa. Kebetulan sekarang saya pake yang ini, dan hasilnya lancar-lancar saja, tidak ada aktivasi serial. Semoga bermanfaat n ndak ada kendala. Silahkan downloads aja langsung, okay.
IDM Full 5.20
IDM Full 5.20